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Five Best SEO Tips

Today I would like to share few simple but effective SEO tips that can be used to bring your website on 1st page of search engines. Many times I have observed that people ignored basics of SEO and just keep building links. Until and unless your backbone of the website (On Page Optimziation) is not strong, you can't expect good ranking by just building back links.

Here are 5 simple SEO tips to rank on 1st page:

1) Selection of right Keyword: This is the very first thing that you should consider before optimizing of the website. Make sure that the keyword should not be very competitive or less competitive. Try to target niche keyword instead of general one. There are few free keyword research tools available on the website like Wordtracker, keyworddiscovery, Google Adword, WordStream etc.

2) Meta Tags: Once keyword research is done then it's time to develop good tags for your page. Title tag should be related to content and Meta description should provide very brief information about web content. Here you should use some marketing text in meta description to generate inquiries for your business since many times search engines used to display meta description in their search engine result pages. Don't just optimize the home page, make sure to

3) Keep your code Clean: Many times designer used to design eye catching design with the help of classic graphics, javascripts to animate, and flash. Note it down that search engines will not like your website if the coding is full of javascripts or flash. Keep your website simple, use text and graphics which is of less in kb.

Once you have finished the On Page Optimization then it's time to work on Off Page Optimization - Link Building.

4) Get links from relevant theme: I observed that many times folks used to participate in link exchange and try to get links from all sources which are actually not good practice. Always try to get the back links from relevant theme of your website. If your website is about Online Gaming then try to get links from gaming site. This will not help your website to get good ranking but also dominate on top 5 ranking.

5) Submit Articles: Write few good articles every month and publish it on few articles sites like Ezinearticles, 212 articles etc. Many sites allow getting 2-3 links for your website and this is one of the best options to build quick back links.

Whatever option you use to optimize your website, make sure to not to avoid basics of SEO.

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