Frameworks helps in website designing. It makes web design responsive. BOOTSTRAP is still had number one position in web designing frameworks. There are also lots of frameworks is available in the market like Gumphy, Foundation, UI Kit, Semantic UI etc. Every web designing company prefers bootstrap for website designing purpose. Dreamweaver tool also helps and supports these types of frameworks. There are many numbers of reason behind it. I am trying to explain some in given below.
1- Mobile Responsive - Bootstrap coding is mobile responsive. Web Developers and Designers no need to worry responsive sites. These frameworks provide a mobile responsive facility. You need to just put col codes in your coding and easily get the responsive layout. Twitter Bootstrap also provides img-responsive code for makes image responsive. You can make your website images responsive just put in images Tag. Every Web Designing Company required Responsive website Designing.
Google latest mobile algorithms also required a Responsive website. If your website is not responsive Google can penalize your website in the terms of Google Page Rank. You can check your website is responsive or not easily through Google official site Google Responsive Test. This tool is providing result according to Google protocols.
2- Easy to Learn - Framework is very easy to learn. Any web developers can be finish full course within 1 week. Very easy and simple coding you need to learn just techniques or col then you can make an easy and hard HTML structure in a couple of minutes.
3- Open source - Open source framework always makes big advantages. All Top IT Company prefer Open Source frameworks and Bootstrap kind of type open Source Framework.
4- Easily Install - Web Developers can easily install from Official Bootstrap Website. Peoples can run Offline and Online both, You can be attached online on your page and you can also Download in your local system then you can easily use bootstrap without internet.
5- Most Popular - There is a big community also know the bootstrap framework. Very common for using bootstrap in any website web development company does not want to risk another designing framework.
6- Speed - Web page speed always matter if your website is taking too much time for opening, Nobody to stay long on your website. Bootstrap is a very light weighted framework. The speed of website no is affected, you can easily surf your website speedily.
7- Big number of component- It provides a big number of components. Shortcode and readymade classes in the very large number you can easily get from the official site. You don't want too much effort for remembering classes. Classes are very easy and mind catching keywords you can remember easily.
The conclusion is very clear frameworks make your web designing work easy and fast. Almost all small and big Web development Company using these in designing. Web developers can save time by using some more tools like Dreamweaver also provides a facility for easy access source code. Updates according to time latest running Bootstrap -3 and the upcoming version of Bootstrap 4. The mobile responsive view is also very good.